Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Education

Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Education

Haynes, F. (2002). The ethical school. (Routledge edition/1998, translated into Turkish as: It has been observed that definitions of ethical dilemmas are more effective, that their theoretical and practical knowledge of ethical dilemmas increases, and that their solutions and recommendations to ethical problems are more successful at the end of their training (Bergem, 1993). A study by Priest, Krause and Becah (1999) found that students` ethical value choices changed positively at the end of a four-year college education. Ethical behaviour in sport can encourage ethically motivated behaviour in other areas, such as helping others in need, building trust, respecting dignity and treating others equally. In addition, a commitment to ethical behaviour can enable sport programs and athletes at all levels to better connect with their communities. While first-year students agreed with the principle that “a physical education teacher should consider students` mental, emotional, and social developments and physical abilities while assessing their achievement” (C1) at a level of (=4.73), the degree of agreement of older students (=4.91). There was a statistically significant difference between the average scores of physical education students in the first and high school classes [t (120) = 2.09, p. < 05]. More students in higher grades agreed with the principle that a physical education teacher should consider students` mental, emotional and social development and physical abilities when assessing their achievement, compared to those in first-grade classes.

The Society of Health and Physical Educators has developed national standards that can help coaches and sport administrators develop more ethical exercise programs. Here are some recommended strategies: Those who administer sports programs for underage athletes have a legal and ethical obligation to follow the rules of Title IX, which ensure that men and women have equal opportunities to participate in athletics. The field of sports leadership offers many challenges, but also great opportunities for those who are passionate about sport and who are committed to ethical and fair play practices. In order to acquire the necessary skills and expertise, future sport leaders can benefit from specialized study programs in sport administration. These practices help nurture the talents of little athletes. In addition to helping young athletes perform well, ethical coaching can foster resilience, concern for others and integrity. Problems in sport can arise when teams, managers or coaches focus more on winning than on how they win. Ethical action on the ground – from the sidelines to administrative offices and beyond – should prevail over who wins or loses. The survey method was used in this research. The scale developed by Özbek (2003) was used to measure the levels at which candidates for physical education teaching positions accepted the codes of professional ethics of physical education teachers. The validity and reliability of the measurement tool were reviewed.

For the structural validity of the measurement tool, factor analysis was performed and an overall correlation analysis of the items was evaluated. Prior to performing factor analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was observed to determine the relevance of the sample size for factor analysis, and the KMO value was found at 0.90. The minimum KMO value should be 0.60 for factor analysis of the data to be performed (Pallant, 2005). The value of 0.90 KMO observed in this case showed that the data were suitable for factor analysis. On the other hand, the result of the Barlett test was found for factor analysis of 32 elements with 2837,291 (p < 0.001). The results of the KMO and Barlett tests suggested that factor analysis could be performed using this data. As a result of factor analysis, it was decided that the scale is one-dimensional. The total variance reported was calculated to be 46.4%. A reported variance of 30% or more is considered sufficient on single-factor scales (Büyüköztürk, 2002). The factor load values of the items included in the scale ranged from 0.37 to 0.83. The decision to include an item in the scale was based on a factor load value of 0.30 or greater.

None of the items were excluded from the scale in this case (see Table 1). The correlation coefficient of the items included in the scale, on the other hand, ranged from 0.37 to 0.81 (see Table 1). The overall correlation coefficient for items must be at least 0.30 (Pallant, 2005). Therefore, no positions were excluded from the scale. The 32 full-fledged posts were kept unchanged. The alpha internal coherence coherence, which is calculated for the reliability of the scale, was found to be 0.95. Therefore, the scale was found to be valid and reliable. Punish athletes – If athletes break rules or behave unethically on or off the field, coaches, athletic directors or other sport administrators must respond appropriately. Ignoring wrongdoing can be interpreted as tacit approval. Misconduct may include, but is not limited to, violations of NCAA rules by accepting gifts, obscuring, or sexually assaulting. Coaches, athletic directors and other conscientious administrators can promote ethically motivated sport programs through action plans. These plans establish frameworks that help teams demonstrate positive ethical and social behaviour.

The initial training received by teachers will have an impact on the decisions they will have to make in the event of ethical incidents they encounter throughout their professional lives. In a study conducted by Tirri (1999), teachers reported that they encountered ethical dilemmas regarding course success, education, teaching and achievement, moral dimensions of student behaviour, cheating, negative student behaviour and general rules at school. Some of the teachers who participated in the research expressed very delicate situations. For example, if a teacher needs to reach his student as his profession requires, he faces a dilemma. The teacher must decide the limits of the help he will give to his students. Such dilemmas are most commonly faced by teachers of special education and physical education (Tirri, 1999). Years of discouraging reports of universities sacrificing academic integrity for athletic glory have rocked intercollegiate athletic programs. They also questioned whether the goals of university sport and higher education were compatible. C2 – valuing education and health instead of being a champion or winning one Unethical behaviour in sport can have far-reaching consequences.

In doping cases, whether offensive athletes are detected or not, they can end up with a variety of health problems, including: A CNN study found that between 7% and 18% of basketball and soccer student-athletes read in elementary school, suggesting that their acceptance is based solely on their athletic abilities. This has damaged the reputation of many programs and cast doubt on their commitment to the goals of higher education. The programme covers topics such as decision-making and ethical issues in sport, human resource management, legal aspects of interscholastic sports and the application of leadership theories in interscholastic sports. Courses such as Ethics in Sport teach crucial strategies to promote ethical behaviours and character development, while management and leadership in sport focus on conflict management, teamwork and developing a leadership philosophy. The fact that there are differences in the opinions of physical education students regarding certain codes of ethics leads us to believe that physical education teacher training programs are not effective enough to ensure that students are behaved in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Applicants for physical education teaching positions are expected to be more sensitive to codes of professional ethics. Techniques such as case study analysis and role-playing can be used to provide better quality training on codes of professional ethics. Strong ethical principles in athletics convey respect for everyone involved in a sport – athletes, fans, coaches and so on. Ethical behavior in sport may refer to: The training of physical education teachers has a major impact on their behavior at school and in the classroom. Therefore, candidates for physical education teaching positions should acquire the necessary qualifications to act in accordance with professional ethics, as well as the professional knowledge and skills during their prior training. Through thoughtful planning and action, sport leaders can help ensure that athletics serves as a vehicle for ethical behaviour and positive values.

In the case of the Astros, the conspirators set up a camera that recorded the signals and sent them for live streaming in the team`s dugout. This was clearly against MLB rules. The ensuing scandal contributed to an ongoing discussion of ethical issues in sport on and off the field. The most effective strategies for addressing ethical issues in sport focus on strengthening community values. Community values emphasize unity and cooperation and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards others. When athletes feel responsible to others, they may also feel less inclined to act dishonestly or behave unfairly. Goal setting is also strategically part of conducting ethical exercise programs, as goals set clear expectations for students.

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