Ohsas 45001 Legal Requirements

Ohsas 45001 Legal Requirements

While there is no formal requirement to keep a legal record as such, the standard requires that documented information about legal and other requirements be retained and updated to reflect changes. Clause 10 of ISO 45001 refers to improvements and mainly explains how to manage incidents, nonconformities and corrective actions. Investigations are conducted and the source of incidents or non-conformities is eliminated in a timely manner. Risks should be reviewed to ensure that they are updated after the problem occurs. As with any management system, corrective actions must be proportionate to the impact or potential impact of the incidents or nonconformities that have occurred. Compliance with legal and other requirements is one of the most important requirements of ISO 45001, as people`s lives and health are at stake. ISO 45001 provides a good framework for identifying and monitoring compliance with all local occupational health and safety laws. The first step is to clarify what legal compliance is. Compliance with legal requirements means the full implementation of applicable occupational health and safety laws and occurs when requirements are met and desired changes are made. One of the main benefits of implementing an occupational safety and health management system is the improvement of the company`s public image, which is accompanied by ISO 45001 certification. In fact, ISO 45001 shows that the organization is among the companies that care about the health and safety of its employees. Of course, you need to conduct a regular assessment of compliance with legal and other requirements, because even if your organization is compliant today, you can`t be sure that it will be compliant in six months or a year. This is a mandatory activity and a record must be kept as evidence.

ISO 45001 certification enables your organization to: ISO 45001 certification offers several operational benefits. The next step is in section 6.1.3 – Determining Legal and Other Requirements, where the standard requires you to establish a process to identify and access the legal and other health and safety requirements that apply to the organization. The organization can find occupational health and safety regulations on the websites of the relevant government agencies or through other specialized services. From a broad list of regulations, you should only choose those that apply to your business. The standard identifies legal requirements in several places, indicating that they must be considered throughout the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Planning-Action-Audit-Act (PDCA) cycle, from OHS policy development, and OHS objectives to management review. A robust occupational health and safety system offers companies the opportunity to proactively improve injury prevention and reduce illness. An OHS also supports the longevity of the organization by strengthening the growth and competitiveness of the company. In addition, organizations have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the health of their employees. ISO 45001 certification provides a competitive advantage by making it clear that your organization takes occupational health and safety risk management seriously. IES has supported more than 50 companies with its services according to ISO 14001/ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001): ISO 45001:2018 can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve occupational health and safety management. However, declarations of compliance with this document are acceptable only if all of its requirements are incorporated into an organization`s occupational health and safety management system and met without exclusion.

When your organization defines its goals, it is imperative that you consider any legal requirements that may affect those goals. The organization must document how it intends to comply with legal requirements. If you identify the applicable legal requirements that the organization does not or only partially meets, you must now create a plan to become compliant. In the implementation phase, the organization should have tools to deal with legal requirements. We are now more than halfway through the migration phase, which is scheduled to end in March 2021.

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