Ley 423-.6 Base Legal Del Presupuesto Publico

Ley 423-.6 Base Legal Del Presupuesto Publico

Section 10. The staff of the bodies whose budgets are governed by this Law shall be obliged to provide the Directorate-General for Budget in a timely manner with the information necessary for the performance of their tasks and to comply with the decisions and instructions they have taken, in accordance with the provisions implementing this Law; in their respective areas of competence. Section 22. The revenue budget of central government, decentralized and autonomous non-financial institutions and public social security institutions shall be prepared taking into account all revenue for the year of all revenue expected to be collected during the period in an approved office or agency, whether or not it is an inflow of funds. The revenue budget shall be deemed to have been implemented effectively at the time when the revenue for the financial year is collected. Section I: Revenue budgets shall include estimated revenues from taxes, royalties, sales of goods and services, gifts in cash or in kind, occasional sale of tangible assets and all other proceeds resulting in a quantitative and/or qualitative change in assets, except for the sources of financing referred to in paragraph III. (o) advise public institutions whose budgets are governed by this Act on budgetary matters; Paragraph I: After 31 December of each year, revenue shall be considered as part of the current budget, irrespective of the date on which the payment obligation or its settlement arose. Paragraph I: The preliminary draft budgets presented by the above-mentioned agencies indicate the degree of consistency with budgetary policy, the programmes and projects previously priorities by the Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, the request or population to be served, the results to be achieved during the financial year and the material objectives to be achieved, the means of verification of each output and their relationship to the appropriations planned. as well as the organizational chart and the structure and number of fees. Paragraph II: Before 30 June of each year, the Minister of Finance shall submit to the National Development Board the fiscal policy to be implemented in the following financial year. Once approved, this policy will provide the framework for non-financial public sector budgeting and will be communicated to agencies by the Minister of Finance. Article 46 In order to ensure adequate implementation of budgets and consistency of expected results with available resources, all public bodies listed in this Title, with the exception of public social security institutions, must plan the physical and financial execution of their budgets with the periodicity and characteristics resulting from the rules adopted by the Minister of Finance.

Article 69 At the end of each financial year, the companies covered by this Title shall close their budgets and transmit this information to the Directorate-General for the Budget and the Directorate-General for Public Accounts within the time limit set by the latter. Article 47 On the basis of the programming of the physical and financial management of the agencies and bodies covered by this Title, the updated treasury budget and the planning of the implementation of investment projects submitted by the National Planning Office, the Directorate-General for the Budget shall propose quarterly commitment ratios. On the basis of these tranches of commitments, the Treasury determines the monthly payments. 1. In the revenue budgets and in the calculation of financing: (m) Preparation and publication of regular and annual reports on the physical and financial execution of the budget in accordance with the provisions of this Act and in accordance with the provisions of chapter V of Act No. 126-01 establishing the Directorate-General for Public Accounting; Article 62 The boards of directors of non-financial public enterprises shall approve their draft annual budget and, with the prior agreement of the State Secretariat to which they are affiliated, shall transmit it to the Directorate-General for the Budget on the date fixed by the regulations implementing this Law. The draft budget must be consistent with the annual budgetary policy and the technical rules established by the Directorate-General for the Budget in budgetary matters. These budget proposals reflect the action plans and the annual investment plan; They also include forecasts of revenue, expenditure and financial resources, the cash budget and the human resources to be deployed, indicating the operational, economic and financial results expected for the management of the following fiscal year.

Article 53 By way of derogation from Article 52, the Minister of Finance has the power to order payments from the budgets of central government departments to settle arrears in the provision of basic public services for that year. The statutes shall lay down the criteria and detailed rules for the application of this Article. Article 63 The draft budgets of the undertakings covered by this Title shall be drawn up on the basis of the date on which they are entered in the accounts as the basis for accounting for all their operations. Paragraph V: The Directorate-General for the Budget shall establish the rules and methods to be used as a basis for the application of this Article. (e) analyse the preliminary draft budgets of the agencies listed in Title III of this Law and their compatibility with the approved budgetary policy and, if necessary, make any amendments it deems necessary, after consultation with the competent public bodies; the powers defined by the general provisions of the annual budget acts and the provisions of this Act; Paragraph: The amount of budget revenue intended to finance the various municipal councils of municipalities and the national district in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force in this field is entered in the budget as a transfer of expenditure from the central government. Paragraph: The approval of budgets containing the information provided for in this article implies the authorization to order the works and / or services and the acquisition of goods related to the above investment projects, and implies l) the evaluation of the physical and financial execution of the budgets of the bodies listed in Title III of this Law and the preparation of reports on compliance with the planned goals and objectives, as well as variances that have arisen during the year and are expected to occur; Article 65

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